Monday, November 18, 2013

An unfortunate epiphany

For the past several years I have read the CCSS, created tasks, wrapped PD around the mathematical practices and worked with teachers to understand Webb's DOK.  I have focused on getting resources in the hands of teachers to implement the CCSS in a manner that leads our students to the best chance of success.  

All that work leads our district into a position for success.  However, without changing instruction, not the style of instruction (guided math), group work, or project oriented instruction but deep down how we talk about math instruction...we are stuck.  We teach skills that are aligned to the CCSS but we teach them the same way we have for years....Without a deep understanding.  We as teachers have a tendency to focus on "tricks" that will make it easier to understand and show students immediate success.  When in the end the easy path is never the right path to choose.

We as a district need to focus on what it means to instruct math in terms of depth and engaging students in the meaning of math.  This doesn't need to be boring or teacher led.  This just means we need to make the small connections necessary for students to not just gain success but connect the dots from one topic to another.  To truly understand the meaning of the different topics we are trying to convey the meaning of.

This is going to be a slow and probably painful path.  Although, as discussed those are typically the paths that lead to success.

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